OxygenIT Business Partners

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OxygenIT - your IT carbon emissions management solution

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IT Consulting Company

Offering OxygenIT as part of your consulting and expertise services

Integrating OxygenIT into your IT consulting and expertise services adds significant value for your clients.

By demonstrating your commitment to reducing carbon emissions in IT operations, your clients benefit from specialized expertise and effective solutions to minimize their IT carbon footprint.

Offering OxygenIT as part of your consulting and expertise services
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Managed Service Provider

Include OxygenIT in your managed services offer

Integrating OxygenIT into your managed services offers a unique opportunity to bring carbon emissions into IT decision-making.

By offering OxygenIT, you help your clients reduce their carbon emissions in the same way they optimize performance, lower costs and increase the security of their IT infrastructures. This strengthens the value proposition of your services while addressing growing sustainability concerns.

Include OxygenIT in your managed services offer
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Sell OxygenIT to your clients

Adding OxygenIT to your ecosystem expands your portfolio of products and services while meeting the increasing demand for sustainable solutions.

By offering OxygenIT to your clients, you provide them with a robust, precise and accurate solution to assess and reduce their IT carbon footprint. This reinforces your position as a comprehensive provider of IT solutions, capable of meeting technological needs while integrating environmental considerations.

Sell OxygenIT to your clients within your ecosystem
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Cloud Service Provider

Provide your clients with carbon emission measurements

As a Cloud Service Provider, offer your clients activity-based data measurements of their cloud usage. By doing so, you help them make informed decisions about the carbon emissions of the IT infrastructure that you are providing them.

This transparency builds client trust and encourages them to adopt more sustainable practices in their use of your cloud services.

Provide your clients with carbon emission measurements
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360° Sustainability Solution Providers

Add accurate IT carbon emission and energy consumption metrics to your all encompassing sustainability solution

360° sustainability solutions encompass all dimensions of a corporation, including workspace, products, and supply chain carbon emissions. However, these solutions often lack detailed operational metrics for IT infrastructure. Integrating OxygenIT into your sustainability strategy adds significant value for the IT infrastructure team. This integration enables IT team to conduct sustainability reporting and environmental impact analysis more effectively.

As a result, your 360° solution will provide more precise and actionable insights, empowering the IT organization to make informed decisions and achieve its sustainability objectives.

360° Sustainability solution

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Grow your Business with OxygenIT

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Lead in Sustainability

OxygenIT allows you to differentiate your services in the market by offering a powerful solution that aligns with the growing demand for Green IT solutions.

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Attract Environment Conscious Clients

Position your offer as a leader in sustainability and attract clients who prioritize IT environmental responsibility.

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Offer Cloud Computing Expertise

Our team has been pioneering multi-cloud and hybrid solutions since 2018. This expertise ensures precision on all cloud providers and highly reliable emissions data.

Work with Confidence,  We Provide Comprehensive Support

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Dedicated Partner Support

Gain access to the partner support team committed to helping you succeed every step of the way.

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Comprehensive Training

Receive technical training on OxygenIT's usage, features and benefits, as well as sales guidelines to effectively position OxygenIT to your clients.

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Joint Marketing Initiatives

Collaborate on joint marketing initiatives to increase visibility, generate leads and nurture deals. Leverage co-branded marketing materials  and events to drive your business growth.