Navigating the Complexities of the CSRD for IT Companies

Ensure Accurate ESG Reporting with OxygenIT

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Are you prepared for the CSRD?

Starting in 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will usher in a new era of transparency and accountability in corporate sustainability reporting. IT companies, with their extensive data centers, cloud services, and intricate supply chains, face unique challenges in meeting these standards. OxygenIT is here to help you navigate these complexities with precision and confidence.

All you need to know about CSRD

In the coming years, the CSRD will impact more than 50,000 companies. check out to see if it apply to your company


Initiation of CSRD


Official adoption of the CSRD


Completion of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) technical standards and CSRD guidelines


Release of reporting standards for SMEs and non-EU companies


Approval of sector-specific ESRS requirements

Companies previously subject to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD)

European and non-European enterprises already subject to NFRD reporting:

  • Having more than 500 employees
  • More than 40 million euros turnover
  • More than 20 million euros in the balance sheet

Based on 2024
Report by 2025

Large enterprises
(both listed and unlisted)

Large enterprises both listed and unlisted.

  • 250 employees
  • 40 million euros turnover
  • 20 million euros in the balance sheet

Based on 2025
by 2026

Small and Medium sized Companies (EU and non-EU)

European and non-European SMEs listed on a regulated European market (excluding microenterprises).

  • 10 employees
  • 900k euros turnover
  • 450k euros in the balance sheet

Based on 2026
Report by 2027

Large companies

Large non-European enterprises whose European revenue exceeds:

  • 150 million euros through a subsidiary or branch located within the European Union

Based on 2028
Report by 2029

What are the ESG data requirements?


- ESRS E1 Climate Change
- ESRS E2 Pollution
- ESRS E3 Water and marine ressources
- ESRS E4 Biodiversity and Ecosystems
- ESRS E5 Circular Economy


- ESRS S1 Own Workforce
- ESRS S2 Workers in the Value Chain
- ESRS S3 Affected Communities
- ESRS S4 Consumers and End-users


- ESRS G4 Business Conduct

Customized solutions to help your products evolve in an eco-friendly manner

IT companies are under intense scrutiny for their carbon emissions and energy usage. Accurate calculation and reporting are essential but challenging due to the complex nature of IT infrastructure. OxygenIT empowers your team to do more than just reporting.

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Understanding Your Starting Point

Assess your current infrastructure and identify opportunities for reducing carbon emissions.

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Reducing Carbon Emissions on an Existing Product

Optimize your existing product to minimize its environmental impact while maximizing efficiency.

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Establishing Sustainable Transition Plans

Create tailor-made strategies to uphold your strategic commitments and keep up with ever-changing environmental regulations.

progress tracking

Simulating the Impact of Increased Cloud Resources

Foresee your company’s future needs and design scalable, eco-friendly solutions.

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Monitoring Carbon Emissions Over a Given Timeframe

Gain valuable insights into your environmental impact and predict future emissions trajectories by examining your past patterns and behaviors.

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Guiding Sustainable Cloud Provider Choices

Compare Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) based on their commitment to sustainability, helping you make informed decisions.

decision making

Integrating Carbon Emissions into Your Decision Criteria

For your product evolution projects, we assist you in integrating carbon emissions into your selection criteria, encouraging greener choices.

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Facilitating Key Figures Communication

Enable your business to communicate accurate environmental progress data, enhancing your reputation internally and externally.

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Uniting Teams Around Common Goals

Bring your teams together with the common goal of building a cleaner, more responsible digital future.

OxygenIT - Everything you need to reduce your cloud and datacenter carbon emissions

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Comprehensive Metrics

OxygenIT provides a wide array of metrics to etablish your Scope 2 and 3 emissions reports.

Whether you are assessing energy consumption in Watt-hours (Wh) or evaluation operational and embodied carbon footprints in grams of CO2-equivalent, our calculator provides detailed insights to empower your decision-making process.

Provide your clients with carbon emission measurements
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Customizable Analysis

You can tailor your metrics to your specific needs, via the APIs and with The Studio, our calculator allows analysis based on cloud providers and geography.

Whether you're focused on a particular cloud service provider or need insights specific to certain geographical regions, OxygenIT provides detailed breakdowns, enhancing your ability to target areas for improvement.

API - methodology
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Simulation Capabilities

Planning infrastructure changes? OxygenIT empowers you to create simulations, enabling you to forecast the environmental impact of different scenarios.

By simulating changes in cloud providers, geographical locations, or other variables, you can make informed decisions to minimize your carbon footprint effectively.

Identify the hotspot by using data mapping from OxygenIT
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Multiple Cloud Providers Compatibility

Designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses, OxygenIT is compatible with all the major CSPs and datacenter hardware.

Whether you operate on public clouds, private clouds, or on-premise infrastructures, our tool seamlessly integrates, ensuring accurate carbon calculations across different platforms.

Why OxygenIT?

OxygenIT is designed to empower IT and ESG teams to manage their IT footprint with unparalleled accuracy, accessibility, and granularity. By leveraging our advanced solutions, you can ensure compliance with CSRD and drive meaningful sustainability initiatives.

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Up-to-date, precise and hourly measurements

We are committed to continually updating our cloud and datacenter configurations with the latest data, so you don't have to.  We take every necessary parameter into account to provide to you the most precise measurements possible.

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Exhaustive cloud provider coverage

OxygenIT works with all the leading cloud providers and includes the entirety of their public cloud resources. You have access to a wide choice of options and can accurately measure your carbon footprint across different cloud providers and on-premise infrastructures.

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Flexible infrastructure modeling

You can simulate emissions on as many infrastructure models as you need, there is no limit.  If you need to, collaborate with our cloud and datacenter world-class experts for estimates tailored to your unique configuration. We offer advice and validation for accurate and reliable results.

Get started with OxygenIT

Fill in the form for a short product demo, We will get back to you shortly.

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